Friday, July 21, 2006

Was the 2004 Presidential Election Stolen?

Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. lays out a very damning case in Rolling Stone magazine that the Republicans conspired to swing the 2004 election from Kerry to George W. Bush.

Kennedy provides a very detailed analysis of the myriad problems. The focus is on Ohio where he explains more than 300,00 votes that were likely to be for Kerry were kept from being counted. He identifies voting machines that counted for Bush when Kerry was selected.

The range of misconduct, much of which he lays at the feet of Kenneth Blackwell, Secretary of State of Ohio and a co-chair of the Bush campaign is vast: the deliberate sabotage of the voter registration process, disregard of new voter registrations, wholesale purging of voter registration lists in selected areas, failure to send absentee ballots, failure to provide sufficient numbers of voting machines in selected precincts, efforts to intimidate votes not the vote, and numerous acts on election day to skew the outcome including discarding votes.

If you have not read this report, it is well worth the time.

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