Friday, January 06, 2012

Heckling Santorum with college students in New Hampshire

GOP Presidential hopeful Rick Santorum was taking questions from students at the College Convention 2012 in Concord, NH, and Students for Sensible Drug Policy was one of the official sponsoring organizations. I helped arrange the sponsorship by SSDP.

At the very end of the session, SSDP student, Carly (Gladyce) Thomasett from the slashroot collective in New Paltz, NY asked Santorum if he supported the conservative principle that state laws, like New Hampshire's that permit gay marriage, and those of the 15 medical marijuana state's that protect patients, should not be subject to federal preemption. Santorum compared it to state laws that authorized sterilization of people against their will. Then, refuting conservative principles said that as President, he would use federal power to over rule such state laws! He cut off the questioning and exited to a chorus of boos
The Santorum exchange has made global news coverage: U.K. Telegraph USA TODAY CBSNEWS

In one of the first questions of the afternoon, he was asked why he personally opposed gay marriage. Not answering the question, he turned the question into an attempt at a Socratic dialogue and lecture. Santorum said the burden of proof was on the student questioner as why the laws prohibit the marriage of gay and lesbian couples should be changed. Without a reason to do so, it should not be done he said, as students hollered out "All Men are created equal" and "Equal Rights" and "Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness." Santorum then said, well what did the student think about whether three men should marry. "Irrelevant," I hollered. He insisted on suggesting that was something that could or would follow -- but no one is calling for legislation allowing three or more men or three lesbians to marry. But challenging Santorum's absurd logic, many shouted out, "Go for it," and "It's okay with me." Again he insisted that the student had to explain why allowing plural marriage was a bad idea. "Are you stupid?" I muttered so loudly folks in several rows around could hear me.

He insisted that no one had provided any reason why gay and lesbian couples should be allowed to wed. I can't believe he is so obtuse.

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