Friday, January 06, 2012

Marriage is a celebration of love

I was called out Thursday afternoon, Jan.5, 2012, by a lovely Christian woman for heckling former U.S. Senator Rick Santorum in Concord, New Hampshire this afternoon during his many comments attacking state laws that permit gay marriage. She politely shamed me for being disrespectful and setting a bad example for her three well behaved children. Gay marriage was very hard on her family, she said. Another lovely woman of hers also said gay marriage was hard on her family. I believe them -- but it wasn't appropriate for me then to press them on exactly why or how it is hard.

Later, I was trying to figure out what Santorum thought gay marriage is. I have attended two weddings for same sex couples. Gay and lesbian marriages are celebrations of love.

We need more celebrations of love in America. How does Rick Santorum, the Congress or the U.S. Government get to decide who you can celebrate love with?

The fundamental premise of Santorum's insistence that among various loving couples, the love of gay couple or a lesbian couple is inferior and second class love. His premise says to gay and lesbian couples your partnership with your partner is second class and your marriage to your spouse ought to remain second class. How can he not see this is cruel?

This is a despicable presumption on the part of Santorum's.

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